JUMP TOeLabNext REST APIAdd-on licensesRetrieve all add-on licensesgetRetrieve all expired add-on licensesgetPurchase license for add-on with given rootVarpostStart a trial for add-on with given rootVarpostRetrieve license for add-on with given rootVargetRetrieve all license typesgetRetrieve license type for add-on with given rootVargetUpdate license type for add-on with given rootVarputCreate license type for add-on with given rootVarpostDelete link between license type and rootVardeleteAdd-on OAuthRetrieve OAuth configuration by sdkPluginIDgetCreate new oAuthConfigurationpostRetrieve authentication URI by sdkPluginIDgetRetrieve access token by sdkPluginIDgetRequest access and refresh token by temporary codepostRefresh access and refresh tokenpostAdd-onsGet a list of registered sourcesgetCreate a new registered sourcepostGet a specific sourcegetUpdate a sourceputRemove a registered sourcedeleteList all target groups for specified addongetAdd new target grouppostRemove group target from addondeleteGet groups for addons that have the add-on installed but do not fall within the specified targetgetList all target users for specified addongetAdd new target userpostRemove user target from addondelete/api/v1/addons/{sdkPluginID}/target/validateTarget/usergetList all target organisations for specified addongetAdd new target organisationpostRemove organisation target from addondeleteGet targets for addons (users, organisations and/or groupsgetUpdate targets for addons (users, organisations and/or groupsputCreate targets for addons (users, organisations and/or groupspost/api/v1/addons/permissionsget/api/v1/addons/sampleTypeMetaget/api/v1/addons/bundles/installpost/api/v1/addons/bundlesget/api/v1/addons/bundlespost/api/v1/addons/bundles/{BundleID}put/api/v1/addons/bundles/{BundleID}delete/api/v1/addons/categoriesget/api/v1/addons/categoriespost/api/v1/addons/categories/{categoryID}put/api/v1/addons/categories/{categoryID}deleteSynchronise the local addons with ones located in the remote sourcesgetUpdate all other installed versions of this addon to this versionpostUninstall the specified add-on for a given scope.postInstall the specified add-on for a given scope.postEnable the specified add-on for the given scope.putGet an available addon by ID for internal usegetDelete the specified installed add-on.deleteRetrieve list of addons for use in marketplace.getDisable the specified add-on for the given scope.putList installed add-onsgetGet the specified installed add-on.getGet all available addons grouped by rootVar and included lower versioned add-ons.getGet the configuration details for the specified add-on.getSet the configuration for the specified add-on.putUpdate existing add-on contents.putPublish a new add-on.postApprove an addon for installation by end users.putAdd media to the specified add-on.postDelete given media for the specified add-on.deleteGet a list of users which have the specified add-on installedgetGet a list of groups which have the specified add-on installedgetGet a list of institutes which have the specified add-on installedgetGet the amount of available addon upgradesgetAIAnswer a question using AI.postAnswer a question using AI, based on previous conversation. The history of the conversion must be provided.postAuthenticationObtain an API token for a user, based on a request token generated while using the Add-On authentication flow for 3rd party systems.postGet authentication details that you're currently usinggetAuthenticate and obtain an API token for a user.post/api/v1/auth/checkAppVersiongetBarcodeGet the object type of a barcode and its associated idgetCurrencyGet the list of currencies available in elabgetGet the list of currencie symbols available in elabgetExperimentGet the signature workflow for an experimentgetGet experimentsgetCreate a new experimentpostGet an experiment by idgetGet an experiment's change logs.getRetrieve collaborators for given experimentIDgetSetup a new request to sign an experiment using SAML authenticationpostSign an experiment using SAML authenticationpostSign an experimentpostAssign a witness for an experiment signaturepostSetup a new request to pre sign an experiment using SAML authenticationpostAssign a witness for an experiment signature using SAML authenticationpostDecline an experiment of a user which requested a witness.postRetrieve pending witness signaturesgetRetrieve declined witness signaturesgetUpdate the witness for an experimentpostGet experiment template groupsgetGet experiment templates by templateCategoryIDgetGet experiment templatesgetExperiment LinksGet all experiments linked to specified experiment.getLink an experiment to the specified experiment.postUnlink an experiment to the specified experiment.deleteExperiment SectionsGet equipment list with bookings from an EQUIPMENT sectiongetRemove equipment from an EQUIPMENT sectiondeleteGet log list from an EQUIPMENT sectiongetCreate equipment linkspostLinks equipment to a section and creates a bookingpostLink equipment to a section and associate existing bookingspostCreate a new booking for an existing equipment linkpostAdd existing bookings to an existing equipment linkpostRemove equipment bookings from an EQUIPMENT sectiondeleteGet experiment sectionsgetCreate a new, empty section in an experimentpostGets an experiment sectiongetArchives an experiment sectiondeleteUpdates an experiment section's general propertiespatchRestores an archived experiment sectionpostChanges the position of the section within the experimentputCopies experiment sectionpostCheck if a text section has been lockedgetTry to lock a text sectionputTry to unlock a text sectiondeleteGet the content from a text sectiongetUpdate the content of a text sectionputGet a full HTML page from a sectiongetUpdate a text section's HTML contentputGet file list of a FILE or CUSTOM sectiongetUpload a file to a FILE or CUSTOM sectionpostRemove multiple files from a FILE or CUSTOM sectiondeleteDownload a file from a FILE or CUSTOM sectiongetRemove a file from a FILE or CUSTOM sectiondeleteGet the custom section information of a CUSTOM sectiongetCreate a blank OOS file of a given typepostCheck if the file is emptygetGet latest oos file idpostGenerate an access token for use in oos integrationpostRestore OOS section to selected file and retake screenshotputDownload the preview image from an OOS sectiongetGet the URL to the OOS servergetDownload the excel file from an EXCEL sectiongetUpload an Excel file to an EXCEL sectionputDownload the preview image from an EXCEL sectiongetGet the URL to the OOS server for editing an EXCEL sectiongetDownload the canvas image from a CANVAS sectiongetUpload an image to a CANVAS sectionputGet image list of an IMAGE or CUSTOM sectiongetUpload an image file to an IMAGE or CUSTOM sectionpostRemove multiple images from an IMAGE or CUSTOM sectiondeleteDownload an image from an IMAGE or CUSTOM sectiongetRemove an image from an IMAGE or CUSTOM sectiondeleteUpdates the description of an image in an IMAGE or CUSTOM sectionputUpdates the position of an image in an IMAGE or CUSTOM sectionputDownload the image of a MARVINJS sectiongetGet the image of a MARVINJS section as a data URLgetGet the marvin js reaction from an experiment section IDgetPost the marvin js reaction to an experiment section IDpostGet the marvin js structure data from an experiment section IDgetGet the content from a DATATABLE sectiongetUpdate the content of a DATATABLE sectionputGet sample list from a SAMPLESIN or SAMPLESOUT sectiongetAdd samples to a SAMPLESIN or SAMPLESOUT sectionputRemove samples from a SAMPLESIN or SAMPLESOUT sectiondeleteGet all meta data in a sectiongetCreate or update meta data in a sectionputCreate or update meta data in a sectionpostGet meta data from a section by namegetExperiment Sections (Deprecated Calls)Get the content from a text sectiongetGet a full HTML page from a sectiongetGet file list of a FILE sectiongetDownload a file from a FILES sectiongetDownload the excel file from an EXCEL sectiongetDownload the preview image from an EXCEL sectiongetDownload the canvas image from a CANVAS sectiongetGet image list of an IMAGE sectiongetDownload an image from an IMAGE sectiongetDownload a marvinJS imagegetDownload a marvinJS image in Base64 formatgetGet sample list from a SAMPLESIN or SAMPLESOUT sectiongetFeatures/api/v1/featuresget/api/v1/features/{name}/isEnabledget/api/v1/features/{name}/enablepost/api/v1/features/{name}/disablepost/api/v1/features/{name}/enableForGroupspostFile and Meta File StorageGet a file by group and file idgetGet a file by file id from your current groupgetDelete a file by id from your current groupdeleteGet a file by file id from your current groupgetGet a meta file by group and file idgetGet a meta file by file id from your current groupgetUpload metafiles to the serverpostGet a tiff file by file id from your current group, and converts it to a png data stringgetList filesgetUpload files to the serverpostUpload files to a staging areapostGroupGet a group settinggetGet group settingsgetCreate a group settingpostGet all settings for the currently active group.getCreate an active group settingpostGet an active group settinggetUpdate an active group settingputDelete an active group settingdeleteUpdate a group settingputDelete a group settingdeleteGet all groups for which you are a membergetGet all subgroups for which you are a membergetGet members of the group of which you are a member. You need to have View User permission to use this call. If no role is specified, the user is blocked and has no permissions within the group.getGet your currently active groupgetChange your currently active groupputSearch groups by searchtermsgetHybrid Storage/api/v1/institutes/{instituteID}/localStorage/exportget/api/v1/institute/localStorage/exportgetJournal Notes and Dashboard ImagesGets your notesgetCreate a new notepostDeletes several notesdeleteGet a digest of all your notesgetGets a note by idgetDeletes a notedeleteUpdates a note's propertiespatchGet a digest of your note imagesgetUpload a note imagepostDeletes several note imagesdeleteDownload a note image by idgetDeletes a note imagedeleteMarketplaceGet image by media ID.getGet icon by media ID.getGet all available addons.getGet an available addon by ID.getGet the script code of the specified available addon.getCheck whether the required dependencies of the given addon are published.getCheck to see if current logged in user has addon with rootVar X enabled. If scope specified only installation for that scope will be checked, otherwise installation for any scope will be checked.getMeasurement UnitGet all measurement units defined by eLabgetMessageQueueDeliver a new messagepostRetrieve a new message from the queuegetNotificationGet digest information for all notificationsgetSend a notificationpostGet notifications by a list of IDsgetSet the read flag for a number of notificationspostSet the read flag for all notificationspostSet the deleted flag for a number of notificationspostOffice OnlineLookup version of office online servergetGet the OOS locale for the current usergetOrganisationsFind organisation by namegetGet an institute settinggetDelete an institute settingdeleteGet institute settingsgetCreate a institute settingpostGet active institute settingsgetCreate an active institute settingpostGet an active institute settinggetUpdate an institute settingputUpdate an active institute settingputDelete an active institute settingdeletePermissionsChange the default role for a new userpostGet the default role for a new usergetDisable a permission for a rolepostEnable a permission for a rolepostGet the log records for permissionsgetGet the roles for a subgroupgetClone a rolepostProjectGet projectsgetCreate a new projectpostProjectGroupGet projectgroup for the specified user IDgetSet/Unset the specified user as project group managerputProtocolsGet log records for a protocolgetGet protocolsgetGet a protocol by idgetGet a protocol by its version idgetGet available protocol categoriesgetAdd protocol categorypostArchive protocol categorydeleteGet protocol digestgetGet protocol filegetChange the subgroup for a protocolpostImport protocol based on plain or HTML marked up textpostRetrieve list of possible sign witnesses for this protocolgetSign a protocolpostReassign a witnesspostDecline a protocol sign requestpostWitness sign a protocolpostRetrieve declined witness signaturesgetRetrieve pending witness signaturesgetSign a protocol using SAML authenticationpostWitness sign a protocol using SAML authenticationpostQuantityGet quantity typesgetGet quantity types by idgetSampleGet samplesgetCreate a new samplepostPerform a similarity, substructure or exact search on chemical sample datagetCreate multiple new samples with metaspostArchive multiple samplesdeleteCreate a new sample by using HL7 2.x.x standardspostGet a sample by idgetArchive a sampledeleteUpdate a sample's propertiespatchGet a list of samples for multiple idsgetGet a list of samples for multiple barcodesgetGet a list of samples for multiple namesgetGet a sample's full parent ancestrygetGet a sample's direct childrengetGet all experiment sections where the sample is usedgetArchive multiple samples.postGet single samples and sample series in an aggregated listgetMove a sample to another storage layerpostMove samples to another storage layerpostMove samples to another storage layerpostChange the locations of multiple samples in a box compartmentpostChange the locations of multiple samplespostCreates one or more clones of a samplepostCreates a series out of one or more clones of the specified samplepostClone sample into an existing seriespostRecover multiple archived samplespostGet a sample's change logsgetGet a sample's quantity settingsgetAdd or replace a sample's quantity settingsputDelete a sample's quantity settingsdeleteUpdate a sample's quantity settingspatchAdd or replace quantity settings for all samples in a seriesputAdd to quantity amount for all samples in a seriespostSubtract from quantity amount for all samples in a seriespostAdd an amount to a sample's quantitypostSubtract an amount from a sample's quantitypostClear a sample's amountpostClear amount of all samples in a seriespostGet all of a sample's meta fieldsgetCreate or update a sample's meta fieldputCreate a new sample's meta fieldpostCreate or update multiple sample's meta fieldsputGet a sample's meta field by idgetDelete a sample's meta fielddeleteUpdate a sample's meta field propertiespatchCreate or update a sample's meta field properties in bulk, based on its sampleTypeMetaIDputCheck out a samplepostCheck in a previously checked out samplepostCheck out multiple samplespostCheck in multiple samplespostRemove the location from multiples samplespostChange the owner of a samplepostChange the owner of a samplepostChange the owner of a samplepostGet sample seriesgetCreate a new sample seriespostCreate a new sample series, together with samples, sample meta fields and sample quantity settings.postAdd multiple samples to an existing sample series.postUpdate a sampleseries propertiespatchAdd a sample to a seriespostUpdate all samples in a sample seriespatchGet a sample series by idgetArchive all samples in a series and remove the seriesdeleteAdd existing samples to a seriespostMerge source sample series into target sample seriespostRemove samples from a seriespostMove all samples in a series to another storage layerpostCopy a sample series to the given locationpostGet a sample series' change logsgetGet the available columns for the sample list tablegetSampleTypeGet sample typesgetCreate a new sample typepostGet a list of sample types for multiple namesgetGet a sample type by idgetDelete a sample typedeleteUpdate a sample type's propertiespatchRestore the given sampleType from archivepostGet all meta fields from all sample typesgetGet all of a sample type's meta fieldsgetCreate or update a sample type's meta fieldputCreate a new sample type's meta fieldpostGet a sample type's meta field by idgetDelete a sample type's meta fielddeleteUpdate a sample type meta field's propertiespatchGet a sample type meta field's default optionsgetUpdate, Remove and Create a sample type meta field's default optionsputSignature WorkflowsGet all signature workflowsgetCreate a new signature workflowpostGet a signature workflow by idgetArchive signature workflowdeletePublish a signature workflow (set draft state to false)postCreate a new signature workflow steppostChange the name of a signature workflowpostChange the description of a signature workflowpostDelete a signature workflow stepdeleteGet candidates with sign permissiongetGet candidates with witness sign permissiongetGet project candidatesgetGet role candidates with sign permissiongetGet role candidates with witness sign permissiongetAdd one or more projects to a workflowpostRemove a project from a signature workflowdeleteUpdate the assignee for a workflow steppostGet pending signatures for a signature workflowgetCancel all pending signatures of a signature workflowpostStorage and EquipmentGet all storage unit/equipment typesgetCreate a new equipment typepostGet a storage unit/equipment type by idgetDelete a storage unit type/equipment typedeleteGet storage units/equipmentgetCreate a new storage unit/equipment based on the specified typepostGet a storage unit/equipment by idgetUpdate properties of a storage unit or equipmentpatchUpdate properties of multiple storage devices or instrumentspatchUpdate icons of multiple instrumentspatchGet statistics for a storage unitgetGet a storage unit's samplesgetFind a free sample location within a storage unitgetGet a storage unit's full logsgetGet full log of an equipmentgetExport a full log of an equipmentpostFind an empty compartment in a storage layergetGet an equipment reservations reportgetGet a storage unit's sample logsgetGet all compartment definitions for a storage unit.getCreate a new compartment definition for a storage unit. This is a template for creating one or more compartments.postGet a compartment definition by id.getGet the storage compartment ancestry of a compartmentgetGet storage unit/equipment compartmentsgetGet a storage unit/equipment compartment by idgetDelete a storageLayer by storageLayerIDdeleteUpdate a storage compartment's propertiespatchGet a storage unit/equipment compartment by its barcodegetGet a storage compartment's logsgetGet the storage compartments of a compartmentgetCreate a new compartment within an existing compartmentpostCreate multiple new compartments within an existing compartmentpostGet the storage compartments of several parent compartmentsgetMove a storage compartment into another compartmentpostMove multiple storage compartments into another compartmentpostGet a storage layer's samplesgetFind a free sample location in or below a storage layergetDelete multiple storageLayers by storageLayerIDdeleteGet all of a equipment or storage unit meta fieldsgetCreate a new equipment or storage unit meta fieldpostCreate multiple new equipment or storage unit meta fieldspostDelete multiple equipment or storage units meta fieldsdeleteUpdate multiple equipment or storage units meta fieldspatchGet an equipment or storage unit meta field by idgetDelete an equipment meta fielddeleteUpdate an equipment or storage unit meta field propertiespatchGet all of a storage unit or equipment managersgetAdd a userID as manager to a storage unit/equipmentputAdd multiple managers by userID to a storage unit/equipmentputRemove multiple managers from a storage unit/equipment by userIDdeleteAdd multiple managers by user IDs to the existing managers for multiple equipmentpostReplace all managers by the provided user IDs to multiple equipmentpostRemove a manager from a storage unit/equipment by userIDdeleteRemove multiple managers by user IDs from multiple equipmentdeleteGet all of an equipment's validationsgetCreate a new storage unit or equipment validationpostCreate new equipment validationspostGet an equipment validation by idgetDelete an equipment validationdeleteUpdate an equipment validation propertiespatchGet all reservations of a storage/equipment compartmentgetCreate a new storage/equipment compartment reservationpostGet a storage/equipment compartment reservation by idgetDelete a storage/equipment compartment reservationdeleteUpdate a storage/equipment compartment reservationpatchGet equipment bookings.getCreate an equipment booking.postUpdate an equipment booking.putDelete an equipment booking.deleteGet active assignment of a compartment.getCreate compartment assignment.postCreate compartment assignments.postDelete multiple compartment assignments.deleteUpdate a compartment assignment.putDelete a compartment assignment.deleteStudyGet studiesgetCreate a studypostRequest to sign a study using SAML authenticationpostSuppliesGet a list of ordersgetCreate new orderpostUpdate orderputGet a list of catalog itemsgetSystemGet all capabilitiesgetGet system timezonesgetIs this installation a custom deploymentgetGet the current Elab versiongetTask ManagementList all tasks for current logged in usergetCreate a taskpostGet single taskgetDelete a taskdeleteUpdate a taskpatchSetup a sample linkpostGet the linked samples of a taskgetSetup an experiment linkpostGet the linked experiments of a taskgetSetup a protocol linkpostGet the linked protocols of a taskgetDelete multiple tasksdeleteUpdate multiple task statusespatchUserGet the current user InfogetGet the profile of a usergetUpdate user informationpatchGet the current user settinggetSet the current user settingpostGet the current user plugin settinggetSet the current user plugin settingpostFind users by email addressgetGet the information of a usergetGet a current user settinggetGet a current user settingsgetCreate a current user settingpostUpdate a current user settingputDelete a user setting for the logged in userdeleteGet an user setting by user idgetUpdate an user setting by user idputDelete an user setting by user iddeleteGet user settings by user idgetCreate user setting by user idpostReset MFA settings by user idpostView/api/v1/viewsget/api/v1/viewspost/api/v1/views/{viewID}get/api/v1/views/{viewID}put/api/v1/views/{viewID}deleteGet full log of an equipmentget https://{targetURL}/api/v1/equipment/{storageID}/logsNote: this call only shows logs for equipment, not storage units.