Add-on header fields
Configuration options per add-on
Configuration options
The following meta fields are available for setting up your add-on and publishing it into eLab.
- name: Name or title of the SDK add-on
- rootVar: Scope variable dedicated to the SDK add-on, a suggestion will be made based on the name but you can specify your own if desired.
- description: Description of the functionality or feature of the SDK add-on
- version: version of the SDK add-on (semver format (x.y.z)), a suggestion will be given, you can override with your custom value.
- author: Author that developed the SDK add-on
- consentMessage (optional): Message that will be displayed to the end-user prior to installing the add-on. Something like: 'By installing this add-on, I consent that X and Y'
- defaultConfiguration (optional): Configuration values that will be used as default, in case this add-on requires configuration. Json syntax, example:
{"mybool": false, "yourbool": false, "mynumber": 3}
- requiredDependencies (optional): List of dependencies required for installing this addon. Example:
[{"rootVar" : "MY_DEPENDENCY_ROOTVAR", "version" : "1.0.0"}]
- capabilities (optional): List of functionalities (capabilities) in eLab that will be enabled by installing this add-on. Possible values (chemAssist)
- requiredElabVersion (optional): The minimum required Elab version for this add-on to work correctly.
@name: Foo Barring
@description: Foo Bar To The Max
@author: Bio-ITech BV
@version: 0.0.1
@requiredDependencies: [{"rootVar" : "BAR", "version" : "1.0.1"},{"rootVar" : "FOO", "version" : "1.0.2"}]
var MY_FINE_ADDON = {};
(function (context) {
// your code here...
Now you are ready to start developing your add-on!
Updated 4 months ago