
Side Loading

Side Loading

This page will help you get started with side loading an add-on into eLab.

Side Loading of an example add-on

The example add-on used in this example can be found here.

  1. Move to your add-on development working directory on the local computer
  2. Place the example add-on file in this working directory
  3. Double click the created SDK-server.bat file. The command prompt will open confirming that the http server is running. Note that the server is serving over https and that the web addresses now start with https.
    $ http-server -S -C "cert.pem" -o -p 8443
    Starting up http-server, serving ./
    Available on:
    Hit CTRL-C to stop the server

Secondly, your default browser will open a window displaying the content of the folder you created including the example add-on script file.

  1. Click on the example add-on script in the web browser to open it in your browser. Note: this step is also needed for eLAB to load the file. So always first click the hosted file in the browser before trying to include it in the developer environment.

  1. Copy the URL in the address bar and paste it in the script URL in the developer tab of your Developer account and click Save Settings.

    Go to Sandbox

  1. Click Developer Mode ON, on the right side of the page to make sure add-ons are enabled and then click Reload Add-on to initialize it.

  1. The example add-on should initialize showing the following pop-up window.

You have now succesfully side loaded an add-on and. This same process can also be used to side load your own add-ons, or to test one of the other example add-ons like Registering for a Samples Bulk Action or Button for Sample Action.


Plug-in file is not loadedPlease make sure the local web server is running (i.e. the command prompt is open)
Plug-in file is not loadedConfirm that developer mode is enabled
Opening SDK-server.bat file directly closes the command prompt windowConfirm that opening SDK-app is indeed served over https (step 6)